If your primary taxonomy is not 204D00000X or 204C00000X and you would like to be included in this site please email contact at omm.directory with your contact information and npi number.
If your contact information has changed you can update your npi record and await the approximately monthly update. Or you can send $60 via paypal to contact at omm.directory and include your update in the comment.
Unfortuneately there are quite a few MD's who do not appear to practice any form of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine but have their primary taxonomy set to 204D00000X or 204C00000X. Due to this, if you are an MD who practices Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine please email your contact information and npi number to contact at omm.directory. (Same goes for DMD's, DDS's).
If you are listed in the OMM Directory and you would like to list your website, the insurances you take, other practice locations or other information, please send $60 each year via paypal to contact at omm.directory - include your contact information, npi number and website/insurance/other information in the payment comment.
To have your record removed from this site please send an email with your contact information and npi number to: contact at omm.directory.
Last update includes data through 20250216.
"To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease." A. T. Still MD - TPaMPoO